<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40356 >

Marko Lindqvist wrote:
> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40356 >
>  We already had some discussion about multiple bases on same tile.
> Let's continue, and gather information, in its own ticket.
>  I'm currently aware of two parts of code that would not work with
> more than one base on same tile:
>  - Pillage selection has only "any base" resolution.
>  - Bases can act as vision/border sites. These are identified by the
> tile they are placed on.
>  About number of different bases ruleset format should allow:
>  One reason for generic bases is to allow modpacks to contain unique
> bases. These would already be on map when game begins, and one cannot
> build more of them. For example, fantasy modpack could have some
> ancient towers around. Ruleset format should allow many such unique
> bases in addition to several buildable ones.
>  Scripting allows unique behavior for any number of tiles, but that
> does not allow any graphics. Bases are visible.
>  I have been looking in to possibility that there is boolean setting
> in ruleset defining if multiple bases can be on same tile. If it's
> true, ruleset can contain only one basetype / bit. If it's false,
> ruleset can contain (2^bits)-1 basetypes.

It sounds like 1 base per tile is a lot easier to implement.  Until 
there's a concrete need to break that barrier I wouldn't trouble 
yourself with generalizing it to multiple per tile.


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