<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40407 >

> [nicorwadh - Sun Aug 10 21:28:18 2008]:
> Attached patch is one way of how this feature
> could be implemented in current trunk version. I
> created two new options in the game for this:
> one on the server side called "seecitydefender",
> which is disabled by default.  Once enabled the
> server will send the info about the strongest
> unit occupying any city within vision so it can
> be displayed.
> For the displaying on the client there is the
> second option "draw_units_in_cities" that I
> incorporated so far only in the gtk-2.0 GUI. This
> is the reason why I enabled it by default, so
> players using other GUI's that have no way yet
> to change this view option will have no drawback
> when playing on a server with seecitydefender
> enabled.  If this option is disabled on the
> server side you should still be able to see full
> unit stacks on top of own and allied cities with
> the client side option enabled.

I tried your patch, but it sometimes did not show
the best defender (as in the one with the highest
defence power). I used the editor to make a city,
put a bunch of different units inside and moved
them in and out of the city over a few turns). :?

Style-wise, don't use camel case (e.g. defValue,
refValue) when all the code around it uses
underscores to seperate words in variable/function

The biggest problem I have is the efficiency of
can_player_see_city_defender. It should not be
necessary to iterate the entire list of units in
the city each time the result of this function
is needed.

I think a better design would be to have a field
in the city struct that designates which unit is
to be shown as the "best defender" (perhaps even
just a unit type, unless the criteria for "best
defender" also takes into account unit hitpoints).

This field is set by the server whenever the
units in the city change, and sent to the client
in a city info packet if the client is allowed
to known that information (server setting is set
and client can see inside that city). Otherwise
the client is sent an "empty" value for that
field (e.g. -1 or whatever convention works).

The client draws the "best defender" according
to the information in the city field and if
its own view option is set (it might be good
to have a shortcut for this too).

Generally, I agree with Per that "best defender"
is a relative term so the client could be misled
under certain circumstances, so I'm not really
convinced of the benefit of having this feature. :|


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