Follow-up Comment #8, bug #13843 (project freeciv):

> can_units_do_base() and can_units_do_base_gui() return
> essentially the same information, but with two different code
> paths and different tests.

You are welcome to improve the situation if it's possible, but...

- Both of them use can_build_base() deep down, so tests are the same
- can_units_do_base() use can_unit_do_activity_base() which is same test
server uses to determine if request send by client is valid. This way menu
item sensitivity is guaranteed to match what server will accept. This is also
identical to how most of the other sensitivity menu items are handled.
- There is nothing matching can_units_do_base_gui() in server side. Client
itself decides what actual base should be built, and sends normal base
building request.
- can_unit_do_activity_base() does not - and cannot - know anything about
base gui_type


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