Follow-up Comment #1, bug #14017 (project freeciv):

The Trireme is a sea unit and I think it is
transported (teleported) to an inland city,
there it can't exist. This is also stated in
the comment to this function
(unit_change_homecity_handling() in unithand.c):

> This new homecity must be valid for this unit.

1) I think, a quick solution is a check in the
migration code.

2) A general solution could include the following:

* change homecity does _only_ changes the homecity
  (the unit stays there it is)
* if the unit is in its homecity and the city is
  destroyed move the unit to the nearest tile there
  it can survive (within the city map; if there
  is no such a place destroy the unit)

Is such a general solution needed? Are there other
situations there units are teleported?

I will look into this and create a patch ...


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