Follow-up Comment #2, bug #13946 (project freeciv):

Good points, Ann, especially the "same type of unit" bit.  Workers and
Engineers only move 1 and 2 spaces respectively, so being able to assign a
leader should be all that's necessary.  One thing to watch out for, though: 
We wouldn't want to allow a leadership loop to be created, in which every
unit follows the one before it.  Then again, I suppose all the units in that
situation would approach one another until they all sit in the same space
"following" each other.

Actually, my work around for moving a large army from Point A to Point B is
to have only one army active (i.e. not sentried) at a time, use Y to select
all of the same type of unit, then send them all wherever.  There are some
drawbacks to this, though:

1. The user experience is a little buggy once the group of, say, 74 units
have executed the command.  The UI then starts activating some of the units
one at a time, canceling their sentried, goto, or whatever state, as if it's
saying, "Uh, what was I supposed to do again?"  I haven't figured out a
pattern yet, but it happens with as few as 10 units, and rarely happens to
all of them.

2. Because enemy units activate sentried units, sentrying Armies A, B, and C
while you work with D can lead to some surprising, and annoying results.  You
have to grab all the units in the freshly awakened Army B and get them back to
sleep so you can keep working with D alone.

3. Land units on separate islands can't go to the same destination (without
sufficient convoy action), so as same units are created on separate
continents, your Y leads to a tedious meta-game of Find the New Units So You
Can Sentry Them.

4. Everytime you move the aforementioned army of 74 units, that's 74 units
executing separate moves, and 74 units highlighted simultaneously and
separately with an animated halo.  This drags the system to a crawl.  When
those units take a city, the city window pops up, but it is far, far faster
and more efficient to select the main window again, finish your commands for
the victorious army, deselect it, then work with the city window.  It's not
incredibly onerous, but it requires extra steps.  That, or take several times
as long to select three worklists for the conquered city, and change its
production to something defensive.

Nonetheless, it's my best workaround for the moment, and basically amounts to
my having one massive army at a time, but it beats selecting 143 separate
units, so maybe it will help you for now, Ann.


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