Follow-up Comment #13, bug #15255 (project freeciv):

> Will compile the patch now and then test some maps ... 

I tested the patch and if swamps are allowed in !FROZEN terrains they look
fine for the different generators and temperature settings of 30 / 50 / 70
(swamp explanation in bug #15001).

One thing with regard to poles (map with temperature = 30; size = 5; topology
= 3):

3: map settings:
3:   mountain_pct         :       18%
3:   desert_pct           :        4%
3:   forest_pct           :       18%
3:   jungle_pct           :        0%
3:   swamp_pct            :        5%
3: map statistics:
3:   Lake                 :   22   0.4% (ocean:   0.9%)
3:   Ocean                : 1408  28.7% (ocean:  56.1%)
3:   Deep Ocean           : 1079  22.0% (ocean:  43.0%)
3:   Glacier              : 1163  23.7% (land:   48.6%)
3:   Desert               :   46   0.9% (land:    1.9%)
3:   Forest               :  220   4.5% (land:    9.2%)
3:   Grassland            :  336   6.9% (land:   14.1%)
3:   Hills                :  139   2.8% (land:    5.8%)
3:   Jungle               :    4   0.1% (land:    0.2%)
3:   Mountains            :   83   1.7% (land:    3.5%)
3:   Plains               :  335   6.8% (land:   14.0%)
3:   Swamp                :   61   1.2% (land:    2.6%)
3:   Tundra               :    4   0.1% (land:    0.2%)

In the above output the map settings and the map statistic don't match. One
has to take into account that the poles (= glacier) are special and are set
after water (lake + ocean + deep ocean) but before the land tiles are
defined. One has to remove this terrain type to get the right numbers (i.e
for forest: 9.2 * 100 / (100-48.6) = 17.9). For a high temperature map
(temperature = 70; size = 5; topology = 3) it looks (kind of) OK:

3: map settings:
3:   mountain_pct         :       20%
3:   desert_pct           :        9%
3:   forest_pct           :       15%
3:   jungle_pct           :        5%
3:   swamp_pct            :        8%
3: map statistics:
3:   Lake                 :   13   0.3% (ocean:   0.3%)
3:   Ocean                : 1052  21.5% (ocean:  28.3%)
3:   Deep Ocean           : 2655  54.2% (ocean:  71.4%)
3:   Glacier              :    0   0.0% (land:    0.0%)
3:   Desert               :   46   0.9% (land:    3.9%)
3:   Forest               :  160   3.3% (land:   13.6%)
3:   Grassland            :  315   6.4% (land:   26.7%)
3:   Hills                :  145   3.0% (land:   12.3%)
3:   Jungle               :   18   0.4% (land:    1.5%)
3:   Mountains            :   93   1.9% (land:    7.9%)
3:   Plains               :  308   6.3% (land:   26.1%)
3:   Swamp                :   95   1.9% (land:    8.1%)
3:   Tundra               :    0   0.0% (land:    0.0%)

This also differs for different topology settings (all generators); wrap N-S
+ wrap E-W maps (topology = 3,7,11,15) have for temperature = 30 around 23%
glacier at the poles while the other topologies have only around 11%.

(only some statistics I found while experimenting with the map settings)


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