URL: <http://gna.org/bugs/?15317>
Summary: Confusing to refer to corruption as "Waste" in city dialog popup Project: Freeciv Submitted by: jtn Submitted on: Monday 08/02/10 at 23:09 Category: None Severity: 3 - Normal Priority: 5 - Normal Status: None Assigned to: jtn Originator Email: Open/Closed: Open Release: Discussion Lock: Any Operating System: None Planned Release: _______________________________________________________ Details: The popup you get when left-clicking on the trade figure in the city dialog refers to any loss due to corruption as "Waste". This is confusing, as the term "Waste" is also used in the UI to refer specifically to production loss (although it's not enabled in the default rules). The effects system calls any kind of output loss "Output_Waste", but this shouldn't leak into the UI. It's hardcoded elsewhere that trade loss is called "Corruption", so it should also be called that in get_city_dialog_output_text(). (It's theoretically possible to create food loss through the effects system, but the game doesn't really support it fully -- there's no column for it in the city report, for instance. Rather than invent a new translatable string like "spoilage" that will probably never be used, I'll leave this as "waste" for now.) _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <http://gna.org/bugs/?15317> _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Gna! http://gna.org/ _______________________________________________ Freeciv-dev mailing list Freeciv-dev@gna.org https://mail.gna.org/listinfo/freeciv-dev