
                 Summary: Help: clarify which buildings/wonders help with
military unhappiness
                 Project: Freeciv
            Submitted by: jtn
            Submitted on: Tuesday 09/02/10 at 02:50
                Category: docs
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: Ready For Test
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: jtn
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
         Planned Release: 2.2.0



While updating the ruleset-independent help, it became clear that the
ruleset-dependent help doesn't give many clues as to which of the buildings
and wonders offset unhappiness caused by aggressive military units and which
don't. (There were some surprises for me in there!)

In principle this should be derivable from the effects system, but I don't
have time now, so here's a manual update to the three built-in rulesets to be
going on with. (Also fixes inaccurate description of Oracle effect in civ1
ruleset, and general inaccuracy in the unlikely case of Oracle+Temple but no


File Attachments:

Date: Tuesday 09/02/10 at 02:50  Name: help-ruleset-unhappiness.diff  Size:
12kB   By: jtn
S2_2 r16762: clarify unit-caused unhappiness in ruleset help


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