
                 Summary: Saving server settings on client after game start
saves "mapseed" and "gameseed"
                 Project: Freeciv
            Submitted by: jtn
            Submitted on: Sunday 11/21/10 at 15:06
                Category: client
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
                 Release: 2.2.x,2.3.x
         Discussion Lock: Any
        Operating System: None
         Planned Release: 



A user can unwittingly get non-zero "gameseed" and "mapseed" settings into
their ~/.freeciv-client-rc-X.X (or equivalent on other OSs, presumably), and
thereafter they will always get the same map from new client-started games
forever. This doesn't seem ideal. (I've reproduced this on both S2_2 and S2_3
svn as of today, but I think it's longstanding -- I believe I've run into it
in the past.)

Steps to reproduce (with Gtk client, but it probably affects others too):
0 Start a game from the client.
0 Open Game > Options > Remote Server
0 (optionally) change something
0 Press the Save button.
0 Result: a ~/.freeciv-client-rc-X.X is written out with the current value of
"gameseed" and "mapseed".
I can imagine running into this if you start a single-player game, decide
halfway through that you like a different setting for (say) revolen and want
to change this for the current and all future games -- in fact I imagine
that's how I first noticed this.

Not sure what to do about it. Can we avoid having the server autonomously
change any settings? If so, we'd need to provide another way to read the
current gameseed/mapseed. Alternatively we could treat those options as
special in the client, but that's ugly.


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