
                 Summary: Allow pluralised localisation for strings like
"Sell %s for %d gold?"
                 Project: Freeciv
            Submitted by: jtn
            Submitted on: Mon Mar 21 22:25:26 2011
                Category: general
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: In Progress
             Assigned to: jtn
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
        Operating System: Any
         Planned Release: 2.3.0,2.4.0



It's come up on -i18n that some languages (particularly Slovenian
<http://mail.gna.org/public/freeciv-i18n/2011-03/msg00009.html>) could do with
pluralisation marking on strings like "%d gold" (we treat "gold", slightly
unusually, as a continuous noun in English, but this isn't true of other

A few strings mentioning gold already have PL_() marking (RT#13901
<http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=13901>, r10971
<http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/freeciv?view=rev&revision=10971>, with Russian
being cited), but the majority do not.

Notes on forthcoming patch:
* Several strings mention two numeric quantities of gold, so I've split these
into two strings which are pasted together, giving translators control over
how the pasting happens. Where possible the split strings are common
(particularly "Treasury contains %d gold.", which previously appeared in many
strings), reducing duplication.
* In a couple of strings, two dimensions of plurality appear where one is not
gold-related (e.g., "%d %s upgraded to %s for %d gold."). In this case I've
generally not split the string; partly because they generally don't split into
whole sentences so it's not clear where it's helpful to split them, partly
because the other quantity is generally of things like units, pluralisation of
which is already problematic (bug #16903) so splitting the string is not worth
the pain.
* Incidental bug fix: in server/diplhand.c, the report "You get %d gold." now
reflects how much gold you actually got, not how much the other side gave
(they differ for non-zero diplcost).
* Changed various "client.conn.playing" to "client_player()".
* I'm afraid I completely punted on the following string in the SDL client:

"We have %d of %s\n"
"(total value is : %d)\n"
"We can sell %d of them for %d gold."


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