Follow-up Comment #2, bug #18228 (project freeciv):

I've attached the log, and [for completeness] the result of "ls -R >
framework-listing.txt /Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework".  FWIW, the wiki at has this to say:

"When installed as a Framework, all SDL files (the library and the header
files) are aggregated into a .framework bundle, and installed together into
/Library/Frameworks/ or ~/Library/Frameworks/. There, Xcode can find it. But
packages which want to use SDL but employ a UNIX style build system are
usually not able to find SDL there (there are a few exceptions where people
hand modified their configure scripts to allow using Frameworks on OSX, but
those are rare)."

(file #13209, file #13210)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: config.log                     Size:62 KB
File name: framework-listing.txt          Size:0 KB


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