We allow two living leaders per nation: one of each sex. All official
nation related guidelines are documented in doc/README.nations - a
recommended read!


On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 1:10 AM, patrick kelle
<patrick.kell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was not aware of that fact.
> When I did my work I took the German nation as reference and it
> includes Angela Merkel which is still pretty alive.
> We surly could add Corazon Aquino in any way. If you want the other
> two removed say so and I can make a new patch.
> On a later update I also wanted to add terrain details for the cities
> as for example in the German nation.
> patrick
> On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 4:22 AM, Daniel Markstedt
> <no-reply.invalid-addr...@gna.org> wrote:
>> Update of patch #2912 (project freeciv):
>>                Category:                    None => rulesets
>>             Assigned to:                    None => mixcoatl
>>    _______________________________________________________
>> Follow-up Comment #1:
>> Patch looks good.
>> Just one comment: The two added leaders are both living persons as well as
>> active politicians. We have a history in the Freeciv project to try to limit
>> the inclusion of such leaders. Would it make sense to add someone like say
>> Corazon Aquino instead?
>>    _______________________________________________________
>> Reply to this item at:
>>  <http://gna.org/patch/?2912>
>> _______________________________________________
>>  Message sent via/by Gna!
>>  http://gna.org/

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