Update of patch #3320 (project freeciv):

                  Status:          Ready For Test => Done                   
             Open/Closed:                    Open => Closed                 


Follow-up Comment #8:

Replying to an old comment:
> Making script able to request certain ai module to be used 
> creates another situation similar to tileset/ruleset 
> interdependencies that are considered buggy to some extend 
> at least.
Gotta remember that Lua scripts don't always have to be fully general and
ruleset-agnostic (although any scripts *we* write probably should be). Scripts
can be attached to a ruleset or scenario, in which case hardcoded things like
find.terrain("Forest") are entirely appropriate.
Admittedly I'm less sure exactly when you'd use this ai_type argument -- IIRC
what made me think of it (other than generality) was the idea that when
testing new AIs, you might write a script to give reproducible results or
specific scenarios with finer control than server commands or the editor give

Anyway, committed now. I'll add a warning when I get round to updating the
wiki <http://freeciv.wikia.com/wiki/Events_Reference_Manual> for 2.4.


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