Follow-up Comment #11, bug #18228 (project freeciv):

Fortunately my father speaks M4, and he was able to add in the necessary
functionality.  He had to shuffle some original lines around before it even
made sense, though.  Therefore the attached patch will be larger than
indicated by the roughly 30 lines of new code.

Notes: 1) This has been tested to work on my Snow Leopard rig and also that it
doesn't break SDL detection on a Debian system.  However, i realize that is
far from exhaustive, so feedback is welcome.

2) This only provides for detection of the main SDL library, sdl_image will
have to be dealt with elsewhere.  That could be sdl-client.m4 or its
dependencies [namely, AC_CHECK_LIB & AC_CHECK_HEADER].  I suppose that should
be a separate tracker item?

3) After that is working we will probably still need to modify compiler flags
to correctly use the frameworks.

(file #16592)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: with_framework.patch           Size:13 KB


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