On 4 January 2014 16:15, Jacob Nevins
<0jacobnk.fc...@chiark.greenend.org.uk> wrote:
> Marko Lindqvist writes:
>> Follow-up Comment #1, bug #21428 (project freeciv):
>> [...] I've started designing "Ruleset object deprecation" -feature,
>> maybe making its debut in 3.0.
> I've been thinking about this sort of thing too, so I'd be interested in
> your ideas.
> For instance, if advances in rulesets ever allowed us to merge the
> Aqueduct buildings in civ2civ3 into a smaller set, we'd have a problem
> with savegames.
> (That's "Aqueduct", "Aqueduct, near river", and "Aqueduct, near lake".)

 In principle, as long as ruleset author wants to maintain
compatibility with savegames from version that had some now removed
object, such as Aqueduct buildings, he needs to have something like:

buildings = { "type", "action", "value"
 "Aqueduct, near lake", "Discard"
 "Aqueduct, near river", "Convert", "Aqueduct"

> I was thinking of a simple "supersedes" list of rule_names for each
> building (etc) that would cause old names in savegames to be converted
> to new things; but I haven't thought about it very hard.

 - ML

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