
                 Summary: fortify action more even in concurrent mode
                 Project: Freeciv
            Submitted by: bardo
            Submitted on: vie 14 mar 2014 21:41:34 UTC
                Category: None
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
        Operating System: None
         Planned Release: 



The issues that could be improved:
- In single player, you can set a unit to fortify at the end of the turn and
it will appear fortified at the start of next turn, without risk of being
atacked in between.
The AI can't do the same because it always move at start of the turn.
- Something similar happens in multiplayer. If you delay your movements to the
end of the turn, there are less chances to be attacked until the units are
fortified at start of next turn.

- If a unit do not have the "can fortify" flag you can not order it to "sleep"
until further orders. The alternative is to use "s" order, but then the unit
is waken up by nearly enemies.

My suggestion:
- Calculate automatically the bonus to defend no matter if the units was
ordered to fortify or not, in a similar way that it is already done for units
in cities or fortresses.
- If a unit is attacked and it has some remaining movement point, and the unit
type has the "can fortify" flag, the unit automatically gets the +50% defend
- Allow to every unit to use the "fortify" order as an alternative to
"sentry", no matter if they can get defend bonuses or not.

This way, if a unit is ordered to fortify, it will always get the defend bonus
because it always has remaining movement points, not because it was ordered to
It would work in a simar way than healing, you do not need to order the unit
to heal, it is automatically handle if the unit did not move.

At same time, if a unit runs out of movement points, it won't get the defend
bonus until the unit recovers his movement points next turn, but taking into
account the "unitwaittime", and so making it more even for multiplayer games.


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