Follow-up Comment #4, patch #3481 (project freeciv):

I've prepared an en_US translation (without diacriticals, but just `make
${PROJECT}.pot; msginit`).  Unfortunately, the mentioned comments (I searched
for `U+` appearing in comments) seem to assume there is a one-to-one
relationship between a language domain and a character set, which isn't even
true in Europe anymore (ISO-8859-1/ISO-8859-15/UTF-8/UCS2 are all very
common), let alone places with more complex orthography.

Do we use bind_textdomain_codeset in a way that makes it safe for me to use
UTF-8 representations in the translation (I'm happy to do en_GB at the same
time, if this is the case)?  Note that we appear to use UTF-8 in the rulesets
for strings not subject to translation (e.g. city names, ruler names).

Alternately, is my understanding of gettext outdated?  Is it now safe to
declare a character set for msgid so that we may just use UTF-8 there?


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