Follow-up Comment #4, patch #5918 (project freeciv):

    if (effect_cumulative_min(boolean_effects[i], NULL) < 0
        && effect_cumulative_max(boolean_effects[i], NULL) >= 0) {

Shouldn't the second test be "=="?

This disables the following construct, which I think should be legal (if

type    = "Transform_Possible"
value   = 1
reqs    =
    { "type", "name", "range"
      "Tech", "Fusion Power", "Player"
      "UnitFlag", "Transform", "Local"

type    = "Transform_Possible"
value   = -1
reqs    =
    { "type", "name", "range"
      "Terrain", "Mountains", "Local"

(Another doubt I had was that effect_cumulative_min()/max() have the general
problem that they can produce too-large values in some cases of
mutually-exclusive requirements; but that doesn't actually matter for this
specific case, so this usage is fine.)


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