
                 Summary: Trying to remove unknown units inside transport
                 Project: Freeciv
            Submitted by: cazfi
            Submitted on: Fri 07 Aug 2015 10:41:00 PM EEST
                Category: general
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
                 Release: TRUNK r25800
         Discussion Lock: Any
        Operating System: None
         Planned Release: 



Opening a ticket so this won't get forgotten, though first thing to
investigate if such a bug is already fixed; this game runs from (modified)
r25800 code.

Client complains that server requested it to remove units it does not know

1: Server wants us to remove unit id 1024, but we don't know about this unit!
2: Backtrace:
2:     0: ./client/freeciv-gtk3(backtrace_print+0x22) [0x5f1c82]
2:     1: ./client/freeciv-gtk3(vdo_log+0x76) [0x5f6ad6]
2:     2: ./client/freeciv-gtk3(do_log+0x7b) [0x5f6b6b]
2:     3: ./client/freeciv-gtk3(handle_unit_remove+0x159) [0x49eeb9]
2:     4: ./client/freeciv-gtk3(client_handle_packet+0x543) [0x4a9883]
2:     5: ./client/freeciv-gtk3(client_packet_input+0x6a) [0x471afa]
2:     6: ./client/freeciv-gtk3(input_from_server+0x6c) [0x477e9c]

Either it's a coincidence, or the cause to this, but at the same turn pirate
ship attacked and failed against my city. Certainly there were passengers
inside that ship, as pirate ships should never be created without them. So it
seems rather likely that the units in question are those passengers who died
with the attacking enemy ship.


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