Follow-up Comment #3, patch #6127 (project freeciv):

- Sets (4) & (8) act on what are subtypes of extras. For those extras
functions are the ones to use.

- Yet, how are extra functions in set (5) useful when I see no way for one to
get an meaningful extra object to get name of?

- The same applies to many other functions here; what do you do with a
function that operates on an object type that you don't have meaningful
instances of?

- The need to keep compatibility in the future versions works against exposing
some of the ugly details of current implementation to the scripting API:
got_defense_effect(), is_free_worked(), is_special_improvement()


For the S2_6 I would consider the easy ones from set (1):
is_happy(), is_unhappy(), is_celebrating(), is_gov_center(), is_capital()


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