Follow-up Comment #1, bug #24317 (project freeciv):

It would be surprising if the situation fixed itself before player gets even
more bulbs (or negative amount, but still having enough bulbs for getting the
new tech) as giving out the tech is checked when amount of bulbs changes. Does
LT change any of the situations where bulbs are granted?

> [16:05:16] (T11 - 08:57:28) <Pipo> :nope , I chaged to ceremonial and I got
20/25 and then back to pottery at 22/22

Here it's still changing back to the *original* tech, not to a completely new
tech. Original (usually 'beginning of the turn') tech is special in that you
don't get penalized if you (accidentally) change tech and then back to
original -> you get the original values, not recalculated ones.


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