Follow-up Comment #1, patch #6329 (project freeciv):

> Server side autogames (S2_6) regularly show over 38% of the time being spent
in pf_normal_map_iterate().

That's something that has clearly changed between S2_5 and S2_6. While
pf_normal_map_iterate() is on the top of the list in S2_5 too, there its share
is about 12%.

I did an experiment where I created exact copy of the function, named
pf_normal_reversed_map_iterate() and changed callers so that the new copy was
used when ever reverse maps are being iterated.
It's possible that compiler optimization made the two copies of the function
partly merge - so take these results with grain of salt - but on that run
pf_normal_reverser_map_iterate() took about 34% of CPU time while
pf_normal_map_iterate() took less than 1%.


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