Follow-up Comment #4, bug #24935 (project freeciv):

The patch is still not thread-safe because the main thread accesses the status
bar QLabel without locking mut_ex.

Attached patch is thread-safe *unless* the version message can be received
after either gui() or the QApplication are destroyed (need help here: is it
the case?). It is thread-safe because QCoreApplication::postEvent() is
thread-safe, and QObject::event() is called from the thread the object was
created in (see Thread Affinity in the QObject doc).

The trunk patch also applies to 2.6.

(file #28276, file #28277)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: qt-metaserver-version-trunk.patch Size:3 KB
File name: qt-metaserver-version-s25.patch Size:4 KB


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