On Thu, 17 Jan 2013 01:45:19 AM Pedro Rodrigues wrote:
> Would it be possible to share those scripts? It would be a good starting
> point for my own changes.

I was afraid you were going to ask that.  They are pretty embarassing ATM.
I will clean up and document them shortly.
> Regarding the starting configuration, which parameters do you consider
> important?

Difficulty level is pretty obvious.  The ruleset even more so, but I only test 
the freecol set ATM as it is a superset.  The shape of the map has a large 
influence.  I like to get in at least 10 runs for each test configuration, and 
occasionally do 20, but cut the games off at 1700.  ATM each run of 10 games 
takes about 4 hours, which means I tend to start the following in the late 

1. `Small' map, default map algorithm, Very Hard difficulty, 10 games
2. Caribbean map, Normal difficulty, 10 games

<and now it is morning again, so I can see if the patches in the overnight run
caused a regression, perhaps allowing a checkin before going to work>

3. Robustness run with 0.9.x game
4. Robustness run with 0.10.0 game

<and now I am back from work>

The robustness runs load the game, play 1 move, save, quit, repeat until 1700.
This is hard on the AI's ability to plan, but they are good for shaking loose 
serialization problems.

A pretty small test set alas, but repeatability is vital.

> MockPseudoRandom is a subclass from random,

OK, you are right, I am ignoring the test suite.  Matter of taste.  IMHO the 
test suite should not be too entwined with the program it is testing, so I do 
not like to let it influence the main code much.  Tail wagging the dog.

> a sync of the
> existing client and server classes could also have been easier with this
> architecture, i believe.

Actually part of the point here was to make sure that the client *never* does 
any (game changing) random number generation.  Having done that, any routine 
that takes a Random can now be moved to somewhere in ..../server.  We have 
more urgent issues however.

> Looking at the 0.9.2 release (the last stable one with PseudoRandom), i see
> that the implementing classes (one for the server, one for the client) used
> several different RNG methods, which could be one cause for such problems.
> However, i must admit i didnt touch that code ever, so i may be
> over-simplifying the issue

More like over-complicating it with respect to where we are now!  The client 
routines are *gone*.  Hooray!  All RNG happens in the server... oh yeah, there 
is also the test suite:-).

>>[Can FreeCol be fully deterministic?]
> That was my expectation with passing a starting seed to freecol (not
> tested), sorry to hear it wont work.

Well, its not completely impossible.  We could do it by rewriting the c-s 
message passing to not use a new thread for each interaction.
FreeCol is structured so that the clients can make independent and 
asynchronous requests to the server.  This is generally a good thing, 
especially for performance.  Unfortunately for determinism, some requests call 
the RNG, so if thread A runs slightly faster than thread B you get one result, 
and if B is faster than A, you get another.  So another way of fixing it would
be to hunt down all the cases where an AI fires off a request that calls the 
but does not wait for the result but goes on generating more requests.
At least now that AIs have their own RNGs (seeded from the server) they can do 
their own random-decisions without influencing each other.  It is just the 
gameplay decisions in the server that can be raced for.

Now, we are going to rewrite the c-s message passing, because we want to get 
rid of DOM.  But that keeps getting put off.  What we really need to be working 
on are the Bugs and Pending Features trackers, with the aim of releasing 1.0.

Mike Pope

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