On Mon, 20 Feb 2017 22:18:41 +0100
win...@genial.ms wrote:
> I had mentioned before that I wanted to make combined
> river styles available in the map editor...

Just tried it.  I do not think the larger style dialog is too big.  As
long as it can display in our supported minimum of 1024x768 that is.
If that is a worry you could always go to more columns.

> I added another button to the map editor panel where
> all styles are available, but kept the simpler function
> where you can add/remove river arms, as they work differently...

I would need to spend a fair amount of time in the map editor to want to
express a preference here.  I do not plan to do that ATM:-).  We need the
opinion of some serious map editor users.  However the tooltip is fine
> A minor problem with the change is that it reintroduces
> an overly large river style menu...

I think the style buttons would be more elegant but that yes, some
people will be confused.  I found the big menu easy to use, and is
probably fewer clicks if you know what you are doing.  So I am afraid I
am not much use there in terms of a clear opinion.

I think the best way forward is to commit your best pick, and get this out
at least to the people who can build from trunk.

> I tested that I can add rivers with minor and major
> river-arms using the map editor now and they also stayed
> when I saved the map, restarted and reloaded the map.
> What I still need to test is creating a decent test-map and
> see if starting a new game with such a map would actually work.

Yes, that breaks periodically.

Mike Pope

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