Wow.. the recent work you guys have done with animating oceans and clouds 
sounds so cool. Just my luck that after a 3 year delay I finally release and go 
public with my big FreeCol tour video right before you guys make such a cool 
and massive change to the game's appearance haha *facepalm*, I guess I'll just 
have to do a bonus episode video at some point lol! This is super cool and it's 
already getting peoples attention so I've gotta ask again if there be a nightly 
release soon so 'regular Jos' like me can see it without all the compiling 
business? Sorry to pester you guys about that but because I'm the go between 
contact between you guys here and the fans in the Col groups people are 
pestering me about it haha! And of course I'm also copping the usual negative 
"there hasn't been a nightly release in nearly a year so freecol must be dead" 
garbage lately from people so it would be good to stop all that with a new 
pre-release build even if its a one off for another 6-12mths while you guys 
work on the next big stable release.
Also this reminds me.. Stian, I'm not sure if you were reading all the dev 
messages over the last year or 2 but if not then I should let you know about 
some of the stuff I setup. As well as creating the welcome & information thread 
and updating the sourceforge front page pictures and info areas with Mike (by 
working with I mean I continuously pestered the poor guy for months about that 
haha) as well as helping Winter update the website front page and downloads 
area to ensure the project looked alive and well again (as nearly all the stuff 
in those areas was 10 years old giving fans the wrong impression), I also set 
about fixing a fan community issue in that Colonization had no social media 
presence and no forums were left either. So I created the Colonization Fans 
facebook, Discord and Reddit groups for fans to get together and talk about the 
classic game while I also created these groups to not so secretly promote 
FreeCol content bringing more fans and programmer talent here to support the 
project. The videos I've been releasing recently are the final stage in 
promoting FreeCol and these ColFan communities to build them up and ensure that 
we can have direct access to the fans for years to come whenever something 
important happens with FreeCol. I still haven't fully promoted these videos 
across all the retro gaming communities yet so there's still plenty of growth 
in the months to come. So if you or any other members reading this would like 
to join these groups you are more than welcome to as having one of FreeCol's 
original creators visit would be a huge honour! However it's perfectly fine if 
you don't as I remember Mike and Winter saying they're not big social media 
people and you may be the same. I'm happy to still be 'the face' of FreeCol in 
the groups to stop disinformation and share important news etc. :)
At this stage the Col FB group is up to 197 members so is just about to hit a 

Despite being much newer the Col Reddit group as really taken off and is about 
to overtake the FB group as its at 193 members 

And lastly the Col Discord group is newer than the others and has also been 
pretty slow in its growth so is only up to 53 member now, it would have been 56 
but I had to boot 3 morons for spamming haha. I should also mention that this 
discord has a dedicated FreeCol subchat area. Obviously many fan projects use 
Discord for chatting so keep it in mind should anyone wish to switch to it in 
the future if sourceforge suddenly closes or something 

And lastly a year or so ago I was able to gain control of the old abandoned 
FreeCol IndieDB page. We don't know who originally set it up many years ago, it 
may have been you Stian? However for whatever reason it became abandoned for 10 
or so years and was under no users control anymore. So I contacted the site 
admins, discussed the situation and was able to get them to give me full 
control of the page. This then allowed me to update its pictures, information 
and downloads to get it all on par with the modern up to date information on 
the FreeCol sourceforge and website. To ensure it never becomes abandoned again 
if something happens to me I switched control of the game page from my account 
to a IndieDB FreeCol dev team group and brought in Mike and Winter into the 
team and gave them full control over the group and game page too. I've just 
sent you a invite to the group too so there should be an email in your inbox 
just before this one. If you would prefer the invite sent to a different email 
of yours let me know. If you're not interested in joining that's fine too. With 
Mike, Winter & myself there it should ensure the page stays under the dev teams 
control now and doesn't get lost again or claimed by an impostor. IndieDB is a 
great site for promoting fan projects as it has a huge fan/visitor base so it's 
important for FreeCol to keep a presence 

I think that's everything from me. Happy new year guys!
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