On Sun, 24 Apr 2022 09:52:03 +0000
Stian Grenborgen <stian...@student.matnat.uio.no> wrote:
> We equip non-scouting specialists with horses, muskets and tools to better 
> utilize the capacity of the ship. These units should never be sent on a 
> ScoutingMission (likewise for soldiers and pioneers).

This "should not happen":-), as the specialists should have been given a
WishRealizationMission to go to the colony that needs them.  However I can
believe that the mission allocation is borked.  I will look at it.

> It's easy enough checking for this in the mission, but perhaps a better 
> solution would be having the goods transported separately? This would make it 
> more fun for human players utilizing privateers (making the ship easier and 
> more fun to sink). The AI gets extra ships (by cheating) so the difficulty 
> should not be a problem.

Point taken on the privateers, but I think the AI should be allowed to
transport things efficiently if it can.  I really do not like using the AI
cheats as a justification for anything (ideally we should be working on
cheating less).  Lets see if I can fix the current failure.

Mike Pope

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