On a two-interface box with WAN + LAN interfaces, WAN having a public IP
from ISP, Freedombox sets up a default ipv4 IP for the LAN interface with and the default DHCP server hands out leases between
and This is great, but I need to change it.

How do I change the LAN subnet? Say I need it to be something like, e.g., What steps should I take to ensure that Freedombox LAN
interface IP, DHCP services, and internal DNS all switch over to using the
192.168.x.x network and no longer use the 10.42.x.x network?

Can I accomplish this from within plinth? If not, which conf files do I
change and/or which commands do I need to run with nmcli? Is there anything
to consider before making such a change?

Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge and advice.
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