[Nick Daly]
> Nope.  Good idea though.  What times work for you?  Sunday
> afternoons are usually best for me.

Most work days around 10:00 +0200 and almost all evenings after 20:00
+0200 would work for me.  I notice you are on timezone -0500, which
will make your and mine afternoons quite different.

> 3. Make FM work on the Raspberry Pi.  This will take a month or so
>    after it hits #1.

Actually, it is trivial if we decide to go the route I suggest - stop
copying source/* to the chroot, and instead create a deb with the
files and scripts needed to set up a Debian box as a freedombox.
Please let me know if you agree with this design choice or not.  If
you do not, it will be very hard to share patches between us. :(

I already got a Raspberry Pi running as a Freedombox using Raspian and
installing the freedombox-setup package (and building
freedombox-privoxy for the architecture).

My plan is to continue polishing the deb based Freedombox setup to a
point where installing Debian Wheezy using a preseed file on a normal
laptop, or installing the freedom-setup package in Raspian, give me a
working privoxy and plinth installation.  Next step for me will then
be to add a plinth option to enable a ical calendar service.  It would
be great if the jwchat option also would work out of the box, but it
is not very high on my priority list.  Just mentioning jwchat because
it is already installed by default, and not working as far as I can

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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