On Wednesday 26 March 2014 06:13 PM, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Petter Reinholdtsen]
>> This way the documentation can then be either used directly from
>> wiki.debian.org or transformed into documentation presented via the
>> Plinth web interface.
> I created a draft Makefile in freedombox-setup/doc/ and used it to
> transform
> <URL: https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/Manual/Jessie?action=RenderAsDocbook 
> >
> to PDF, HTML, TXT and EPUB.  The result can be seen on
> <URL: http://ftp.skolelinux.org/pub/freedombox/doctest/ >.
> Does this seem like something we should move forward with?

The output looks good. This manner of producing content on wiki and
consuming in other output formats is the best of both worlds. We can
engage contributers easily on the wiki and at the same time we can have
good quality output formats.

We could further bundle the output into FreedomBox for offline use. This
could be useful say when a user is trying to get FreedomBox to connect
to the Internet.


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