Anyone here want to contribute a paper?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Primavera De Filippi <>
Date: Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 2:13 PM
Subject: [liberationtech] CFP: « Reclaiming the Internet » with
distributed architectures
To: liberationtech <>

Call for Papers, Final Symposium of the ADAM project

October 2-3, 2014, MINES ParisTech (Paris, France)

« Reclaiming the Internet » with distributed architectures:
rights, technologies, practices, innovation

The research program ADAM (Distributed Architectures and Multimedia
Applications, studies the technical, political,
social, socio-cultural and legal implications of distributed network
architectures. We invite paper proposals for the ADAM final symposium,
in French and/or English, in the form of a 500 to 800 word abstract.

Read the full Call for Papers here:

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