After uploading new packages to Debian, I did a test build, and to my
surprise, the sysvinit-core package was removed during installation,
and systemd was set up instead.  This is caused by freedombox-setup
depending on firewalld via policykit-1 and libpam-systemd.

This mean we are forced to get systemd working with freedombox right
away, instead of when we felt the right time was come.

The current status do not look too bad.  This it the testsuite result:

root@freedombox:~# /usr/lib/freedombox/testsuite/check 
success: ./dns-server.test: DNS service is listening on domain/udp.
success: ./dns-server.test: DNS service is listening on domain/udp6.
error: ./dns-server.test: DNSSEC is not enabled on IPv4
error: ./dns-server.test: DNSSEC is not enabled on IPv6
success: ./jwchat.test: HTTP access to worked
success: ./jwchat.test: HTTP access to http://freedombox worked using IPv4
success: ./jwchat.test: HTTP access to http://freedombox worked using IPv6
success: ./ldap-server.test: ldap server on ldapi:// responded
success: ./ntp.test: NTP client in contact with 4 servers.
success: ./plinth-server.test: Plinth service is listening on 8000/tcp.
error: ./plinth-server.test: Plinth service is not listening on 8000/tcp6.
success: ./plinth-server.test: HTTP access to http://freedombox/plinth/ worked 
using IPv4
error: ./plinth-server.test: HTTP access to http://freedombox/plinth/ did not 
work using IPv6
success: ./tor-client.test: tor service is listening on 39462/tcp.
error: ./tor-client.test: tor service is not listening on 39462/tcp6.
success: ./tor-client.test: tor service is listening on 9050/tcp.
error: ./tor-client.test: tor service is not listening on 9050/tcp6.
success: ./tor-client.test: Tor control socket is listening on
success: ./tor-client.test: Tor control socket is not listening on
success: ./tor-client.test: tor service is listening on
success: ./tor-client.test: obfs3 transport is registered on port 36226.
success: ./tor-client.test: obfsproxy service is listening on 36226/tcp.
error: ./tor-client.test: scramblesuit transport is not registered.
success: ./tor-client.test: HTTP request to via TOR on IPv4 
error: ./tor-client.test: HTTP request to via TOR on IPv6 fail.
success: ./tor-client.test: HTTP request to via TOR on 
IPv4 confirm that TOR is used.
error: ./tor-client.test: HTTP request to via TOR on IPv6 
confirm that TOR is not used.
success: ./web-proxy.test: privoxy service is listening on 8118/tcp.
success: ./web-proxy.test: privoxy service is listening on 8118/tcp6.
success: ./web-proxy.test: HTTP request to via privoxy using 
IPv4 works.
success: ./web-proxy.test: HTTP request to via privoxy using 
IPv6 works.
success: ./web-proxy.test: HTTP request to via privoxy on works.
success: ./xmpp-server.test: XMPP service is listening on xmpp-client/tcp.
success: ./xmpp-server.test: XMPP service is listening on xmpp-client/tcp6.
success: ./xmpp-server.test: XMPP service is listening on xmpp-server/tcp.
success: ./xmpp-server.test: XMPP service is listening on xmpp-server/tcp6.
success: ./xmpp-server.test: XMPP service is listening on 5280/tcp.
success: ./xmpp-server.test: XMPP service is listening on 5280/tcp6.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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