On 22 October 2014 02:04, Markus Sabadello <mar...@projectdanube.org> wrote:

>  On 10/22/2014 01:49 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> On 22 October 2014 01:29, Markus Sabadello <mar...@projectdanube.org>
> wrote:
>>  Hello list,
>> So here's the story.. I have an opportunity to build 100 CubieTrucks with
>> a nice box and a SATA drive and I would like to call them FreedomBox -
>> "Danube Edition", and sell them just at the price it costs to build them. I
>> can present this at the upcoming Elevate festival in Graz and the Internet
>> Identity Workshop in Mountain View, I have already demo'd FreedomBox at
>> both events (and others) several times in the past.
>> I'd be interested in feedback on any or all of the following..
>> 1. Is this a good idea? I made this webpage:
>> http://projectdanube.org/freedombox/
>> So the message would basically be "you can get one, you can try to use it
>> and learn about it, but don't rely on it".
>> I noticed you just discussed how FreedomBox was not ready for the next
>> Debian stable, but I think some people who don't know the command line
>> would still want one.
>> 2. I would like to help add a few things to the box. Most importantly,
>> support for the Unhosted project, we already dreamed about this 2 years
>> ago
>> <http://blog.projectdanube.org/2012/06/freedombox-unhosted-pagekite-for-access-innovation-prize-2012/>,
>> and it works really well. Another idea would be something that comes out of
>> the current W3C Social Web work, as well as the IndieWeb community.
>  Not sure how much is going to come out of the W3C work, except some
> standardization of AS 2.0, opensocial etc.
>  You may want to take a look at GOLD.  It's a light weight remote storage
> file server with access controlled file access.  It runs on a raspberry pi
> so should easily do well on a plug computer.  It's come out of tim
> berners-lee's lab at MIT, so as you can expect it's 100% standards
> compliant esp. with linked data platform.  The focus is on client side
> (what you call unhosted) apps.
> https://github.com/linkeddata/gold
>  I've been using it lately and the performance is very good, as it's
> written in go.  I think it makes an ideal match to freedbombox.
> Yes thanks. When I think of FreedomBox+LDP, I always remember the WebBox
> <http://people.csail.mit.edu/emax/papers/www2012-webbox.pdf> paper. I was
> thinking rww.io would be a good fit, but maybe this is better.

GOLD will power rww.io as it is better performance and lower footprint than
PHP.  Is the same group that made both, webbox also related.

> When you say GOLD is a "remote storage file server", do you mean it
> actually speaks Michiel's remoteStorage protocol, or do you just mean
> client-side/unhosted in general in this case?

No, I dont mean an implementation of the current RS spec, I think that may
need a slight bit of work still, then maybe the two can converge.  We
actually had a plan to converge some time back, but havent really made much
progress there, which sometimes happens.  Perhaps it may be possible to run
both on your fbx.

Same applies to XDI if you're stil working on that ... would love to see

But yes it's designed with client side JS apps in mind.

>   PS I met Michiel (from unhosted) a couple of months ago, I think he's
> working on a new hosting service which may fit to your ideas, tho you
> probably know this already
> I know a little bit about it, it's very exciting.
>> 3. I already managed to build a working FreedomBox image for CubieTruck,
>> using freedom-maker and a mainline kernel and some similar steps as with
>> the recently added Beaglebone support. I'll try to submit a pull request
>> soon. This does require a modified version of vmdebootstrap, since on
>> CubieTruck the bootloader must go into a special space between the
>> partition table and the first partition. I think I found some information
>> out there by Neil Williams who is aware of this? Basically I think
>> vmdebootstrap should have a new parameter that can leave this extra space
>> empty, and then freedom-maker can specify that parameter and install the
>> bootloader afterwards. For now I summarized what I did to make it work
>> here <https://github.com/peacekeeper/freedom-maker/wiki/OS-Start>.
>> 4. I worked on setting up a PageKite service under the domain
>> freedombox.me, and I wrote a Perl script that integrates the PageKite
>> server, a DNS server, and a Redis database, to dynamically register new DNS
>> names and PageKite tunnels given a "voucher code". This is all similar to
>> how pagekite.me works. So I imagine, if you get a FreedomBox, you also
>> get one of these "voucher codes" and can choose a something.freedombox.me
>> subdomain. Michael Pimmer ("fonfon") has been working on a Plinth extension
>> that can do this registration during Plinth's first-boot phase. I described
>> the whole setup here <https://github.com/peacekeeper/freedomkite>.
>> Thoughts? Maybe we can chat on IRC at some point ("peacekeeper").
>> Markus
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