On 11/24/2015 12:32 AM, ndcd wrote:
> I want to give freedom box a trial. For this I am using an old laptop
> with ethernet and WLAN connection and installed first sid then
> freedombox according to the manual. setup was run of course.
> Now, according to the "Quick Start" I should be able to connect (from a
> 2nd laptop in the same local network) to the new freedombox.
> http://freedombox.local/ gives "server not found"
> and
> nmap -p 80 --open -sV
> Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-11-23 19:55 CET
> Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (0 hosts up) scanned in 104.30 seconds
> Internet connection is active as I can do an apt-get update.
> What did I miss?

This step is merely to find out the IP address the FreedomBox machine.
The documentation is wrong is assuming that it will be in the range always.  It could be any of the other ranges such as  In your case, it is certainly not

If you are logged into FreedomBox machine, you can find out the IP
address directly by typing 'ip addr list'.  Then connect to http://<ip

Further more, I hope you have followed the instructions in
https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/Hardware/Debian .  Pay particular
attention to the troubleshooting item 2.


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