On 04/12/2015 01:12, Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen wrote:
I personally prefer to see the translations I do in their right context as often as possible. My experience is that otherwise the translation will be of inferior quality because something is always out of context compared to the assumptions you have during editing.
we can may be focus on a process to get translations visible faster when ready.
There is an Hack Call on the 12th to talk about that.
Transifex is capable of syncing but if it's already decided to head for
Weblate then we need not discuss further. I can only applaud the use
of a GPL licensed tool.

I am not sure someone can decide for others :) What is done is opening tools. Time should decide what is the natural main one according to the ease of use and efforts done on each ones. Here are the trends so far:

- Quick base: Transifex translations manually uploaded to GitHub. GitHub been where maintainers are working to implement in Plinth. - Search for a free tool easily sync with GithUb: Weblate sync account has been created. It will be adverstise on /Translate for newcomers and Debian translators discussion list as a main tool since they don't have to do anything more than translate to get their effort in GitHub.

In a nutshell, langages already on Transifex can stay on this platform if they feel confortable with that. In the process, i may ask if they are ok to swithc though, but each coordinator is free to work where it is the best for them and the maintainers. We'll see if that free will process is working well.
I'll cope with git+emacs in a terminal but not everyone is like that,
I know. For the moment I think it would be too much work to support
and maintain multiple tools. I'd settle with one and see how it spins

If you think this process is the best for you, it should be considered then. Along with a wiki page for all langages status in order to newscomers being aware your language is already done and updated.


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