On 12/23/2015 08:20 PM, Stephen Mahood wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Just chiming in, initially followed freedombox in the startup era a
> number of years ago but fell off for a while and just recently was able
> to get the .7 up and running on a beaglebone black without too much
> trouble. Some on here may know me, but for those that dont my name is
> stephen, I am the outreach and communication coordinator (formerly
> junior sysadmin)  at the FSF. I remember toying with this project a
> while back but never committing to it, well I am in now, I am loving it
> and really psyched to see the development.
> In addition I am also excited to see discussions about monkeysphere
> (long time user for server maintenance and setup among other things).
> For the next couple of weeks I will get a feel for where things are, I
> have ideas on other apps but would like to get to know you all first :)

Welcome to the FreedomBox :)  If you need anything, find us on IRC or here.


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