On Saturday 09 January 2016 09:44 PM, Marc Jones wrote:
> Thanks everyone for showing up to the Hack call today. I think we made
> some progress on ideas for the landing page.
> We need to do a few things to keep it moving forward. We have previously
> discussed using Jekyll as the framework for building the landing page.
> Before we go down the Jekyll path though we would like to make sure that
> we use weblate for translating the freedombox.org
> <http://freedombox.org> too. If anyone has experience using jekyl and
> translation files we would love to hear from you. It looks like there is
> a multilingual plugin for Jykell, but uses YAML files for the
> translation text.
> https://github.com/screeninteraction/jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin.
> Does anyone know if this will work with weblate?

I dug a bit into what Jekyll is offering us and its translations
mechanism.   Jekyll's translation mechanism don't seem very strong and
looks like an after thought.  Reading a translated string uses the same
mechanism as reading generic data from a file.  So, the translations
files are not in any specific translation file format.  I doubt if any
translation tool will have support for it.

While Jekyll has its strong points such as blog features, template like
features, includes, data lookups, etc., none of these features seem
compelling for us.  It does introduce a bit of learning into the picture.

Given the really simple nature of our site, my suggestion is to use raw
HTML with a much simpler mechanism on top for translations[1].  This
will work well with .POT files and Webalte.  We can keep our eyes peeled
for the necessity of static site generator and then use Jekyll.  I
volunteer to do the transition (this will be easy).


1) https://mikewest.github.io/static_gettext/


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