On Friday 15 January 2016 10:02 PM, Tim Mohrbach wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that I don’t get inside my box anymore via SSH.
> When running the user module diagnostics in plinth, it fails with all tests: 
> Diagnostic Results
> Module: users
> Test  Result
> Listening on tcp4 port 389    failed
> Listening on tcp6 port 389    failed
> Check LDAP entry "dc=thisbox" failed
> Check LDAP entry "ou=people"  failed
> Check LDAP entry "ou=groups"  failed
> When saving the user again as admin in plinth again, it said that it failed 
> adding the user as admin: “Failed to add user to group."
> Changing the password via plinth works, but still no access via SSH.
> Any idea what happened? How I can gain access via SSH again?

It looks bad.  I believe slapd (the LDAP server) is not running for some
reason.  (Could be a DB corruption)

To gain access: you can shutdown, insert SD card into desktop/laptop and
set the password inside the SD card for 'fbx' user using `passwd
--root=/mount/path fbx`.  Then boot the FreedomBox and login via SSH
using 'fbx' user.

After that check why slapd is not running:

$ systemctl status slapd

$ systemctl start slapd
(if not already running)

$ systemctl status slapd
$ journalctl -xe
$ journalctl -u slapd


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