On Wednesday 23 March 2016 10:05 AM, znot...@hailmail.net wrote:
> -------------- begin quote -------------
> root@freebx:~# echo "DELETE FROM plinth_kvstore WHERE
> key='firstboot_state';" | 
> sqlite3 /var/lib/plinth/plinth.sqlite3                                   
> -su: sqlite3: command not found                                          
> root@freebx:~# echo "DELETE FROM plinth_kvstore WHERE
> key='firstboot_state';" | 
> sqlite /var/lib/plinth/plinth.sqlite3                                    
> -su: sqlite: command not found                                           
> root@freebx:~#
> --------------- end quote ---------------
> neither locate nor whereis show anything from a bin directory.  "man -k
> sqlite" only shows a library.
> Do I need to install something else?

Oops! Please install the package 'sqlite3'.

# apt-get install sqlite3


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