I have been installing FredomBox on a web server VPS / Debian Testing

gandi.net / 1 core / 512 MB / 16GB / Fixed Ipv4 adress

Debian Testing is very fast to install for the Debian 8 Jessie image.

After installing freedombox-setup and setting up basic configuration, i opened 
my browser to the server fixed adress and got a Forbidden access from Apache. I 
had to enter in /etc/apache2/sites-available/plinth.conf in the <RequireAny> 
block. I could enter in the Plinth interface to launch the first configuration. 
Thank you jvalleroy for the support :)

It is now impossible to install apps, having this message "Error installing 
application: Cannot refresh cache whilst offline None".

in /etc/network/interfaces shows
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
with adress, netmask and gateway data

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