Am 15.07.2016 um 22:48 schrieb Bill:
> terested in reading it if you do.

Sunil Mohan Adapa   has coded this into a Commit to the Freedombox Project.
I more or less applied his changed filey to a Freedombox 0.9_rc2
After some detail-polishing it worked.
(some of the hassle may have been caused by me copying the files from
the fat32 part of my sdcard to
the debian partition - which changed the permissions and therefore was a
problem for the 10-freedombox-batman file)

If you want to try yourself, you can find the files here:

But if you are not in a hurry, I am very sure that this will be
committed to the next freedombox version.

Kind Regards,
Karlheinz Meier

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