On 12/09/2016 03:55 PM, tunda wrote:
> hi,
> I'm new on this mailing list. hello to everyone.
> But I have a quetstion or problem. maybe someone can help me to solve it.
> I have a raspberry3 V2. I have flash the imgage
> (freedombox-testing-nonfree_0.9_raspberry2-armhf.img) to the microSD.
> I plugin all devices I need, (Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor, Networkcable).
> PowerOn, ok the raspberry is booting, but ends with a loginscreen
> (terminal). Whats frong?
> first: I can not login.  what is the login/password?

This is because there is no default password set.  You will need to run
a tool[1] on the image before using it in order to set password for
default user 'fbx'.

This, however, should not be needed if you run the first boot wizard on
the web interface (see below).  You will be able to login using the user
created during first boot wizard and do sudo.

> second: I realy need a grafical surface (GUI)

FreedomBox has a web interface to manage its various functions.  It is
available from another machine connected to it (typical for FreedomBox
use cases).  Connecting a machine to RPi3 can happen in two ways:

1) Connect RPi3 with a Atheros AR9721 based Wi-Fi USB dongle during
first boot.  Then connect to Wi-Fi access point provided by FreedomBox
using the default password 'freedombox123'.  Then access the Web
interface at

2) Boot RPi3 without a without adding extra Wi-Fi dongle.  Connect it to
your home router.  FreedomBox will obtain an IP address from local
network and configure itself.  Find out the IP address from router or by
doing nmap.  Then visit this IP address using browser.

If you wish to have a full GUI desktop environment, you can install one
from the command line (apt install <desktop>) after creating the initial
user using one of the techniques above.

1) https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/Manual/SecureShell


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