On 05.03.2017 22:55, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [mray]
>> On 05.03.2017 22:02, James Valleroy wrote:
>>> I've been testing mpd a bit. I'm able to control it remotely with gmpc
>>> and stream to vlc (over http). It should be simple to put together a
>>> Plinth module for it. I'm wondering how the music files should be
>>> uploaded though (upload form in Plinth?).
>> Ideally this would tie in to general file synchronization, probably
>> expecting music from the default folder under /music.
>> ...although being able to mount network drives would be awesome, too.
> The feature I am after is being able to visit a web page showing my
> music collection and playing the music using my browser.  I am only
> aware of ampache and groovebasin in Debian that is able to do so, and
> while groovebasin work fairly well, it refuses to work in a sub-url (see
> https://github.com/andrewrk/groovebasin/issues/495), and thus is hard to
> get working with FreedomBox and pagekite (another of my requirements).
> I hope ampache is without such limitation, but have not tested it yet.
> Using a non-web client (gmpc) to enable streaing to another non-web
> client (vlc) is not going to work for my use case - playing music from
> home at work and when travelling.
> And sure, mounting network drives using plinth would be great, but not a
> requirement as I am able to fix that by logging in via ssh.

Maybe have a look at https://github.com/Libresonic/libresonic then?
I never used it but that might at least be another possible approach.

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