On Monday 10 April 2017 12:46 PM, Κατερίνα Καμπάρδη wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a full-stack developer working with Python and Django for the
> backend. I also have Front End experience using HTML/CSS/JS and
> Bootstrap framework.
> Last week I found out about Freedom box while I was seeking for open
> source projects to get involved. Plinth project seems very interesting
> to me as I am Django enthusiast!
> I have setup the development environment using Vagrant and seeking for
> an easy picking for my first contribution. Any mentoring would be more
> than welcome !!

Glad that you are looking to contribute to the FreedomBox project.

There are issues on the bug tracker that are marked with 'beginner' tag
that would be good for warm-up[1].  After that you can pick up other
tasks that are marked 'ready for implementation'[2].  On any of these
tasks you can request details on implementation.

We are also available on IRC and mailing list to answer questions about
internals, or help you pick a task.




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