On Tuesday 18 April 2017 01:01 AM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> Hi, I'm a free/libre software activist from Brazil, and although I'm 
>> not a tech expert, I have a suggestion to make:
>> Can you follow the steps at 
>> [[http://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html#NewDistro]] so as to 
>> include FreedomBox in the list of free/libre system distributions?
>> If you already have done that: What is the status of the evaluation?
> I believe there is no such process ongoing.
> FreedomBox is not a distribution on its own, but a Debian Pure Blend - 
> i.e. a subset of Debian.  Debian does not contain non-free parts and do 
> not recommend the use of non-free parts, but Free Software Foundation 
> disapproves of how Debian _suggests_ it.  Notice their explicit mention 
> of "suggesting" at their web page.

With recent changes Raspberry Pi 2/3 builds use the Debian kernel.  We
have only the boot firmware of Raspberry Pi as non-free firmware.  This,
hopefully, will be freed in the near future.  RPi 1 images could perhaps
be dropped.

Assuming this happens, FreedomBox is in a better situation than Debian.
FreedomBox does not even suggest non-free firmware.  We don't show or
talk about non-free package on FreedomBox web pages and materials.

> I therefore consider it unlikely for the Free Software Foundation to 
> endors FreedomBox on their list - but hey, if anyone wants to try, 
> please do go ahead - other distros based on Ubuntu which is undoubtedly 
> less free is on that list, so anything is possible.

I believe we could try.


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