On Thursday 20 July 2017 02:49 PM, thi-...@laposte.net wrote:
> Hello I'm french
> So I installed the new image of July 17 on my rpi2, I no longer have
> problems of change of address MAC, but this is not the original one.
> I've been trying to install openvpn for more than 8 hours and it's not
> over yet.

The installation should be reasonably fast but the generation of keys
which happens in the setup step will take time.  On a Raspberry Pi 2, it
would take more time than 8 hours.  If it is not a matter of urgency,
please leave it around for a day.

> I feel it takes longer than usual, is it related to change MAC address?

I don't believe it is related to MAC address.

> I stop the installation because it is useless. I have rebooted, there is
> way to check this MAC address?

When rebooted, the setup process starts for the beginning again.

> The ca.crt and ca.key files were created
> I have done systemctl start openvpn and systemctl status openvpn,
> console openvpn is started and active and in plinth it must be installed.

Plinth will see it as "setup completed" when keys are present.

If you really really wish to have 2048 bit keys instead of 4096 keys you
can edit /usr/share/plinth/actions/openvpn and start the setup process
again.  This time, it would take considerably set time.


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