> Right.  So here are my questions.  First, is there some better
> combination of utilities I should use?  Second, what am I losing,
> exactly, by using umbpci.sys instead of emm386.exe?  And finally, how
> come cwsdpmi doesn't work with emm386.exe?

I can share my experience with FreeDOS memory managment
as I have been using it with my NetWare boot disk project 
(NwDsk: http://www.veder.com/nwdsk ), allthough I lack the
technical background to discuss the bit-level details.

I use the combination HIMEM.EXE (now HIMEM64.EXE) 
for XMS/HMA (dos=high) and UMBPCI.SYS for UMB
(dos=umb). NwDsk has grown popular among NetWare
admins as starting point for imaging or unattended OS
installs from NetWare servers. As such it is used on a
very wide range of hardware. HIMEM(64).EXE has proven
to be very reliable. Thanks, Tom!
I only do get feedback from users about UMBPCI.SYS which
unfortunately does not work with all chipsets. For that I provide 
a CONFIG.SYS with a menu in which they may choose to boot 
with (default) or without UMBPCI.SYS (with additional choice 
for UDMA.SYS).
I am very pleased with Michael's intentions of tackling 
VCPI for EMM386 wich would make a good replacement for 
UMBPCI.SYS (VCPI being needed for NIOS.EXE).

With 2 previous releases of NwDsk I side-stepped to FDXXMS.SYS
but had to pay for that by having to answer a lot of email from
my end-users complaining it was freezing NIOS.EXE on their
hardware. Since I am back with HIMEM64.EXE things calmed
down again ;-)

Since the 32-bit NetWare client (NIOS) is loading in XMS the pain
of having no hardware-independent UMB provider (UMBPCI is
hardware dependent) is not that hard. It leaves enough for
"winnt.exe". But from a general perspective I will swap UMBPCI
for a non-hardware-dependent EMM386(64).EXE right away 
whenever it features VCPI.

So far for my observations based on the feedback of my users
concerning HIMEM(64), FDXXMS and UMBPCI.


P.S. OpenDOS (DrDOS 7.01) has a full featured EMM386. For me
it has 2 major concerns: it is too big for my boot-flop, and its
license status is unclear to me (still open source ??). 
Erwin Veermans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
NwDsk: NetWare Boot Disk (IP/IPX) <http://www.veder.com/nwdsk/>
NwDskPe: NetWare Client for WinPE 

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