Alain wrote:
Steve Nickolas escreveu:

At Fri, 20 Feb 2004 3:19pm -0500, wrote:

Don't you think its better to use Msdos file names? So like a program
can edit it. And its easyer for people that know msdos file names
instead of like fddos for a directory etc..

Opinions vary but I do agree.

I also agree. This was discussed some time ago, but we could open the chapter again because FreeDOS is getting really mature now

I would prefer a C:\DOS directory with all exacutables inside. Users will feel more confortable with it ;-)

Getting back to this topic .. I would like to update the docs on FD_DOC, and I want to make sure we have agreement before then.

If we make this change, where to put source code, docs, etc?

My thought would be to put them inside C:\DOS as subdirs.

For example:

 DOS                - all exe/com/sys files
 DOS\APPINFO        - lsm files
 DOS\DOC\project    - documentation for 'project'
 DOS\HELP           - all help files
 DOS\NLS            - national language support files
 DOS\SOURCE\project - source code for 'project'

Note that the install dir from the install program would need to use C:\DOS as the destdir, and the FreeDOS packages in the next distribution would not use a 'BIN' directory - the exe/com/sys files would be at the 'root' of the .zip file. So this isn't a huge change.

Sound okay to everyone?

If you don't like this, then install your copy of FreeDOS in C:\FDOS instead of DOS, and the only thing that will be different for you is that you won't have a C:\FDOS\BIN.

And a little history on this one:

In the beginning, the plan was to keep FreeDOS separate from MS-DOS. This was because FreeDOS wasn't quite stable yet, so it was a good bet that many people would still have MS-DOS on the same system they installed FreeDOS. For example, you might still use the MS-DOS kernel, but use the FreeDOS Shell or FreeDOS utilities instead.

However, FreeDOS has become quite mature, and I think it's a fair assumption that most (all?) FreeDOS users these days are using FreeDOS exclusively (no MS-DOS.) So it's time to look again at the decision we made long ago to use C:\FDOS as our install directory.


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