At 09:00 AM 3/17/2004 -0500, Adam Peart wrote:
>I just tried out the new version, and I had the same problem as the previous version. 
> If I go emm38664.exe /noems, I get the message "func 43, out 8800 0006 0000 0000".  
>But if I use ems, then I get
>mapping UBM's (16k each) at: d800 dc00
>umb block 0 at d800:000, size = 0x800 paragraphs (32kb)

In the immortal words of those recently watching the unattended robot vehicles in 
DARPA's Grand Challenge: "that shouldn't happen".

In fact, I don't know how it would happen, since EMM386 allocates an EMS reserve far 
higher than 32K with NOEMS, and should always reserve at least the UMB size.  What is 
your physical memory on the machine you are using (e.g. 32M, 256M, 512M)?

On the plus side, you should be able to use the SLOWDOWN program you were having 
problems with earlier, since the failing instruction is now supported/emulated.  Or 
least it should crash further in, if it tries a different such instruction.

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