On Thu,  1 Apr 2004 07:34:44 +0400 (MSD), you wrote:


>JL> I've an idea, as the official MEM of FreeDOS, is it good to include
>JL> the FreeCOM and Kernel information also?
>     Which (information) one?

Ah ... Sorry! I missed ...
The version and kernel/FreeCOM infomation (not include deivers,
sometimes just want to see how much memory system occupy)

>JL> I got a bit annoy because when I want to check Kernel version I have
>JL> to reboot, and I don't prefer to have another tool just check for
>JL> Kernel and FreeCOM.
>     You mean, that info after MEMA/t (see last line) is not enough?

Is it able to detect FreeCOM and kernel's version also?


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